
Combatting labour shortages with self-service solutions

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Ville Pekkarinen

Combatting labour shortages with self-service solutions

Calendar January 12, 2023

Clock 2 mins, 22 secs read

Recently the restaurant industry has been facing the phenomenon of labour shortages. This refers to the difficulty of finding and retaining employees in the company. There are a few reasons why this is happening right now.

  • The low wages and limited benefits that are often offered in the restaurant industry make it less appealing for many workers
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the industry heavily, as many restaurants were closed or had limited capacity. This meant fewer job opportunities available for the restaurant industry professionals
  • The high turnover rate in the restaurant industry, as many workers may not find it appealing to stay in the same job for a long time.
  • With the ageing of the population, many older workers may not want to work in the physically demanding and often fast-paced environment of a restaurant.

Labour shortages in the restaurant industry can lead to increased costs for restaurants as they may have to offer higher wages to attract and retain employees. This can lead to higher prices for customers, delays in service and reduced quality of service. In addition, with fewer employees available, restaurants may have to scale back their operations or close altogether which could lead to a loss of jobs and a fall in customer traffic.

So how can restaurants get help with these problems regarding labour shortages? One of the answers is self-service solutions, which are becoming increasingly affordable for restaurant entrepreneurs and easy to use for customers in restaurants. 

  1. The self-service kiosk

The self-service kiosk is a touch screen that allows customers to place their own food orders and make payments without the need for a server or cashier. These kiosks can be used to customize orders and view information about different products and offerings. Customers can also access different loyalty programs and other customer account features through these solutions.

As the kiosk is handling the sales, the employees can focus on other important tasks at the restaurant. The solution is cost-effective for the restaurant and it’s always available.

  1. Mobile ordering

With mobile ordering, customers can place orders and pay them conveniently at the table in the restaurant. Customers can scan the QR code at the table or tap the NFC with their phone, which opens the application needed for placing and paying the orders. This solution is also another sales channel for the restaurant in the same way as the self-service kiosk. 

  1. Webshop for restaurants

Takeaways and deliveries are expensive for the restaurant through applications such as Wolt or Foodora. That’s why it’s important for restaurants to cut down commissions and use their own webshop platforms to allow customers to place orders at home or work and come pick them up. The webshop will also act as a nicely designed front for customers that are wondering where they would like to eat next.

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